Towards a SLAM-based augmented reality application for the 3D annotation of rock art
The digital technologies developed in recent decades have considerably enriched the survey and documentation practices in the field of cultural heritage. They now raise new issues and challenges, particularly in the management of multidimensional datasets, which require the development of new methods for the analysis, interpretation and sharing of heterogeneous data. In the case of rock art sites, additional challenges are added to this context, due to their nature and fragility. In many cases, digital data alone is not sufficient to meet contextualization, analysis or traceability needs.
In this context, we propose to develop an application dedicated to rock art survey, allowing 3D annotation in augmented reality. This work is a part of an ongoing project about an information system dedicated to cultural heritage documentation. For this purpose, we propose a registration method based on a spatial resection calculation. We will also raise the perspectives that this opens up for heritage survey and documentation, in particular in terms of visualization enhancement.
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