How to submit a manuscript

Click on the Submit Research button (top right of the home page). There are then a few steps to follow.

Register as an author

First of all, you must register as an author on the platform. If you already have an OJS account with IJVR international journal of virtual reality, please do not create a new account. If you do not have an OJS account with any of the publications listed above, enter the required information in the Profile section:

  • Given Name,
  • Family Name,
  • Affiliation,
  • Country.

Then enter the required information in the Login section:

  • Email address,
  • Username (to be able to log in to the platform),
  • Password.

Using the checkboxes, you can manage your communication preferences. Note that the first one is mandatory to create the account. Then click the Register button. Once registered as an author, you can log in at any time with your username and password.

Submitting a manuscript to IJVR

  1. Log in with your username and password
  2. Confirm by checking off the box under the submission requirements that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration elsewhere. Write any commentary that you assume to be useful in the Comments for the editor You can also specify a list of reviewers that seems legit to critic your work, or that are not. Click Save and continue.
  3. Upload your submission by clicking the Upload File button, retrieving the file from your personal documents, then choose the item Article Text in the selection menu Article Components.
  4. You may now upload any supplementary files using the same process. Click Save and Continue. Tip: If you have no supplementary files to submit, simply click Save and Continue to move to the final step.
  5. Enter the title of your manuscript, the authors and list of contributors, then provide some keywords and an abstract of 200 words or less in the spaces provided. Click Save and Continue.
  6. The next page shows the File Summary of your uploaded submission. To submit, click Finish Submission.
  7. Once the submission has been logged successfully, you will receive a submission acknowledgment by e-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail indicating that your manuscript was successfully submitted, please email us at

You will be contacted as soon as a decision is made regarding your manuscript.