
ConVRgence (VRIC) Virtual Reality International Conference Proceedings


Find the articles presented at the 3 days scientific conference ConVRgence (VRIC) which take place during Laval Virtual 2019 (April 20-22).

Environmental adaptation for Autistic children using Virtual reality

Sanaa Sharaf, Ebtehal Alsaggaf, Salwa Almalki, Amany Alattas, Amna Omar and Mawadh Sait

Maximizing lenticular lens performance for Multi User VR displays

Juan Sebastian Munoz-Arango, Dirk Reiners and Carolina Cruz-Neira

Using VR technology to improve BIM: maintenance and construction

Alcinia Zita Sampaio

New collaborative game experiences, the example of "Game Jockey

Rémy Sohier

Effects of Physical Props on Torso Movement in a Virtual Reality Shooter

Martin Viktor, Anders Hansen, Kirstine Bundgaard Larsen, Helene Høgh Nielsen and Martin Kraus

MITMI Man In The Middle Interaction. The human back in the loop

Cedric Plessiet and Jean François Jego

Emerging Affect Detection Methodologies in VR and future directions

Ifigeneia Mavridou, Maya Perry, Ellen Seiss, Theodoros Kostoulas and Emili Balaguer-Ballester

Windtherm: A Wearable VR Device That Provides Temperature-Controlled Wind

Masatoshi Suzuki and Akihiro Matsuura

VR Conferencing: communicating and collaborating in photo-realistic social immersive environments

Simon Gunkel, Hans Stokking, Rick Hindriks and Tom de Koninck

Virtuality of Virtual Reality: Indiscernibility or Ontological Model?

Suzanne Beer

TAMED CLOUD: sensible interaction with a swarm of data

François Garnier, Fabienne TsaÏ, Dionysis Zamplaras, Florent Levillain, David Bihanic

Exploratory research on the gamification of exercise for Fibromyalgia using virtual reality

Katherine Hoolahan



    Simon Richir

    Affiliation : Arts et Métiers, LAMPA

    Country : France


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