
ConVRgence (VRIC) Virtual Reality International Conference Proceedings


This issue gathers all the articles presented at the scientific conference ConVRgence (VRIC) which took place during Laval Virtual World 2020 (April 22-24).

Virtual Classroom's Quality of Experience: a collaborative VR platform tested in situ

Alexis Souchet, Raphaël Granier de Cassagnac, Emilie Maurice, Olivier Drapier, Rabah Azouani, Emmanuel Zaza, Nicolas Naudot, Vincent Charron, Stéphanie Philippe, Alice Risetti and Juliana Hono

Effect of Physical Activity on VR Experience: An Experimental Study

Asena Aksayim and Mehmet İlker Berkman

Risks and benefits of Artificial Intelligence for humans: A literature review

Roxane Soussiel, Emilie Loup-Escande, Natacha Métayer, Aymeric Parant and Vanessa Laguette

Shaken, not Stirred: Visualizing Vibrotactile Feedback in Virtual Reality

André Kristensen, Leon Müller, Mohanad Zeitoun and Martin Kraus

Using virtual reality to represent space: a quick survey of promising methods to investigate spatial knowledge

Simon Lhuillier and Valérie Gyselinck

Reliability of virtual reality for user experience in spatial cognition: an exploratory approach

Anaëlle Hily, Christel Jacob, Laurent Dupont, Giovanny Arbelaez, Jérôme Dinet and Mauricio Camargo

Development of an IMU-based ergonomics assessment tool for virtual reality

Giovanny Arbelaez, Julien Michaux, Mauricio Camargo and Nicolas Ferveur

Physiological assessment of User eXprience supported by Immersive Environments: First input from a literature review

Mariela Martinez, Giovanny Arbelaez, Laurent Dupont, Anaëlle Hily, Mauricio Camargo, Christel Jacob and Jérôme Dinet

Interaction by gesture recognition: a tool to virtually revive the automata of the Antiquity

Jérôme Nicolle, Philippe Fleury and Olivier Lezoray

Using collaborative VR technology for lean manufacturing training: a case study

Alexandra Badets, Vincent Havard, Killian Richard and David Baudry

A CAstelet in Virtual reality for shadOw AVatars (CAVOAV)

Georges Gagneré and Anastasiia Ternova

Mona VR - recreating an experience ~ An artistic and expressive queueing simulator

Maëlys Jusseaux, Piers Bishop and Chu-Yin Chen

Real Body and Virtual Body Hybridations

Suzanne Beer

Möbiusschleife: Beyond the bounds of a VR system. Enhancing the presence and interaction of VR player to the real world for collaborative VR

Koki Toda and Sayuki Hayashi

Into the womb – born again: A VR experience of being warmly swaddled using “Otonamaki” from japanese method

Shoko Kimura, Ayaka Fujii, Kenichi Ito, Kazuki Asakura, Rihito Tsuboi and Kazunori Miyata

UMI3D: Extension of tracking and embodiment

Nicolas Pacqueriaud and Julien Casarin

AR/VR for conferencing and remote assistance

Hans Stokking, Simon N.B. Gunkel, Tom de Koninck, Michel van Eersel and Bart Kok

The effect of spatial qualities, openness and complexity, on the performance of human cognitive tasks within immersive virtual environments

Pierre-Francois Gerard

Designing identity in VTuber Era

Liudmila Bredikhina

Virtual embodiment for training computational thinking

Tatiana Tchoubar

Virtual reality serving the ergonomics of future land systems

Dubroca Gaëtan

Testing kinetosis in XR environments

Carsten Lecon, Benjamin Engel, Lukas Schneider and Camil Pogolski

Touch-aware agent: challenges of social touch in virtual reality

Fabien Boucaud, Indira Thouvenin and Catherine Pelachaud

Enhance VR: a multisensory approach to cognitive assessment and training

Victòria Brugada-Ramentol, Bernard Modic and Amir Bozorgzadeh

An in virtuo system linking data corpus to 3D virtual model for industry 4.0

Oussama Meski, Paul François and Florent Laroche



    Simon Richir

    Affiliation : Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, LAMPA, France

    Country : France


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